
lunes, 30 de enero de 2023

4th, 5th and 6th grade. Theater at the school. Dracula.

Hello families!

Last Friday, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students had the pleasure of watching Dracula's play in English at the school. They had a lot of fun, singing and dancing with the actors and identifying the vocabulary that we have been working on during the previous weeks. It was fantastic! 

Here you have some photographs of it: 

Hola famílies! 

El passat divendres, els alumnes de 4rt, 5è i 6è, van tenir el plaer de veure la obra de Dràcula en anglès a l'escola. Van gaudir molt, ballant, cantant amb els actors i identificant el vocabulari que previament havien estat treballant. Vam passar una molt bona estona!

Cliqueu a la imatge si voleu veure imatges. 

domingo, 29 de enero de 2023

(1st, 2nd and 3rd year) Theater in English "Robin Hood".

Dear families! 

Last Monday, the children of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year enjoyed a lot with the play Robin Hood, in English at the school. Boys and girls acquired new vocabulary in English, having fun through the interaction with the actors and the songs. Have a look at some of the best moments! 

Hola famílies, 

El passat dilluns, els nens i nenes de 1r, 2n i 3r, van gaudir d'allò més amb l'obra de teatre "Robin Hood" en anglès a l'escola. Van adquirir nou lèxic, interactuant amb els actors i cantant. No us perdeu alguns dels millors moments!