Els nens i nenes de 5è han acabat el projecte del Cinema!!!
Des de l'àrea d'English han après vocabulari relacionat amb el cinema com ara: screen, cast, clapperboard, fizzy drinks, set, script, fantasy, drama, thriller... i les funcions que es desenvolupen dins de la creació d'una pel·lícula: makeup artist, producer, editor, stunt performer, special and visual effects... També hem repassat l'estructura gramatical del present simple.
The boys and girls of 5th grade have finished the Cinema project!!!
From the English area, they have learned vocabulary related to the cinema such as: screen, cast, clapperboard, fizzy drinks, set, script, fantasy, drama, thriller... and the roles involved in the creation of a movie: makeup artist, producer, editor, stunt performer, special and visual effects... We have also reviewed the grammatical structure of the present simple.
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