
martes, 25 de octubre de 2022

Arts and Crafts_Year 4_Folders

During September, in the first sessions of Arts and Crafts, year 4 students had to design their folder to keep all the artistic works they are going to make throughout the academic year.

The design of the folder was free. They have created some very original and colorful folders. And moreover, we took the opportunity to learn the names of different materials in English.

Do you want to see the folders? Click on the image!

Durant el mes de setembre, a les primeres sessions d’Arts and Crafts, els alumnes de 4t van haver de dissenyar la seva carpeta per guardar totes les obres d’art que vagin fent al llarg del curs.

El disseny de la carpeta va ser lliure. Han creat unes carpetes molt originals i acolorides. I de passada, hem aprofitat per aprendre els noms de diversos materials en anglès.

Voleu veure com han quedat les carpetes? Feu clic a la imatge!

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